Welcome to the Berlin-Brandenburg regional coordination of the Mietshäuser Syndikat.
Consultations and contact
Currently, an introductory consultation takes place approximately every 2 months. For details or urgent questions, please send us a detailed e-mail. We will then try to help you as best we can:
(with subtitles in english and dutch).
Our Blog
Our Network
Mietshäuser Syndikat (MHS)
Here you can find general information about the tenement houses syndicate, an overview of all projects and a press review.
Netzwerk Berliner Mietshäuser-Syndikats-Initiativen (NBMHSI)
This network of initiatives wants to implement housing projects in Berlin with the MHS and fight for the necessary political framework conditions.
Wohnraum für alle e.V.
The association aims at preserving rental housing and supporting tenants – especially refugees and migrants. Adapting the model of the MHS, individual apartments are purchased and transferred into a solidary and non-saleable structure.
The aim of the foundation is to take urban land in Berlin off the market and secure it for civil society-led, community-oriented use. It is inspired by the model of Community Land Trusts and wants to establish it in Germany.
GIMA Berlin-Brandenburg eG
The cooperative real estate agency Häuser Bewegen is an association of different actors in the common goods-oriented real estate sector. GIMA Berlin advises owners and tenants on the sale of real estates.
Work – and coordination structure for common good-oriented urban development (AKS)
The AKS Gemeinwohl is an interface between administration, civil society and politics for public welfare oriented urban development in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. It is a contact and consulting point for urban policy initiatives and real estate owners who want to make their real estate available for common good-oriented use.